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Deep down, Gillian suspected she would grow to hate Willia her stance on the matter! But in the end, they would both be miserable

So Yes Her husband had to be Puck All she had to do was find him Or rather, draw him here, because there was no way she could leave this bed

She whimpered Hoas she supposed to draw him here? She couldn’t even lift her headcouldn’t thinkthinkcouldn’t

Her mind drifted in and out of a thick black cobweb The tireorse

Suddenly her body was lifted fro arainst her ear Confusion settled in Was Willia to let her die by the water?

"Gillian!" he roared, and he sounded far away

Not in his arms, after all, she realized, the fa her awareness

Sweet relief overtook her confusion Puck had come for her

"Sorry, lass, but I’ve decided not to let you die The last tiret, and I wish to experience it again"

His greatest aspiration was to feel regret? His life was as sad as her own

"Willmarry," she told hi was a blur He"Whatneeddo?"

"Just repeat after ive you my heart, soul and body" He waited until she’d echoed hih it took her a while; she had to push out the words between panting breaths "I tie my life to yours, and when you die, I die with you"

The tone of his voice had deepened, as if the words he’d just spoken carried nificance than any he’d previously uttered

The seriousness of what she was doing registered There would be no going back Once they were bonded, he would be her husband They would be a unit A fa sex with him, he would have to come first Puck before Willia to do this?

Her hands and feet grew colder by the second, but her h juice to shiver She was so close to the end Too close! So, yes, she was really going to do this

Again, she echoed his statement